Minimal looking terminal setup on MacOS
A minimal-looking terminal is essential because it fosters focus and productivity by reducing visual distraction
As a developer, terminal is the second most important application used after IDE so it's important to keep it as personalized as possible. I like to keep it minimal looking but with the required functionality and helpful utilities
Install iTerm2
My preferred terminal is iterm2, it allows you to do a lot of customizations, for example, a floating terminal that can be triggered on any screen using a hotkey.
You can download iterm2 from the official iterm website or install it via Brew using the command
brew install --cask iterm2
Install Ohmyzsh
Ohmyzsh helps manage zsh configuration, it also comes with tons of themes, plugins, helpful functions, and more. Install it by running the below command
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Now time to install useful plugins and themes to our terminal. I use the default "robbyrussell" theme but you can choose your favorite theme from here. To activate your theme you will have to
- Open zshrc
vim ~/.zshrc
- Find ZSH_THEME and replace robbyrussell with whatever you prefer
Install plugins
There are a lot of plugins you can install, this is made possible by ohmyzsh we previously installed. You can browse all the plugins from here, I use these
Shows suggestions when you start typing from your previous command history like below
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
# In zshrc file, add your plugin to list of plugins
# other plugins...
Highlights command syntax as you type, below is a screenshot from the official zsh-syntax-highlighting repo
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
# In zshrc file, add your plugin to list of plugins
# other plugins...
These plugins and themes should make your terminal look minimal and usable. But I would suggest browsing through the plugins & themes list and finding the ones that work best for you.